Services Provided
Case Management
Case Management 〰️
Our Targeted Case Management Goals
Enhancing development, problem solving and coping capacities of clients
Creating and promoting the effective and humane operation of systems that provide resources and services to people
Linking people with systems that provide them with resources, services and opportunities
Improving the scope and capacity of the delivery system
Contributing to the development and improvement of social policy
PSR 〰️
SUPPORTIVE COMMUNITY SERVICES, LLC provides services for clients that need intensive training in restoring their highest level of functioning. PSR targets psychological functioning within a variety of social settings. PSR will include a combination of the following services: behavior management, social competency, problem identification and resolution, anxiety, effective communication, moral reasoning, life goals etc. SUPPORTIVE COMMUNITY SERVICES, LLC will teach clients how to internalize, problem solve, build self-trust, self-confidence, healthy strategies to become emotionally intimate with others, mange conflict, appropriately express their frustrations verbally and gain confidence in their interpersonal- social skills. SUPPORTIVE COMMUNITY SERVICES, LLC’s PSR program will help clients restore their sense of humor, establish realistic life goals and help them become self-sufficient. Our trained, experienced PSR specialists will help clients learn the necessary tools in reaching and achieving their goals to maintain their personal lives.
BST 〰️
SUPPORTIVE COMMUNITY SERVICES, LLC provides trainings for clients who lack the skills in managing their daily lives and who are experiencing unsafe and inappropriate behavior. Clients learn how to identify and comprehend the physical, emotional and interpersonal needs of their selves and others. Clients learn how to interact with others by learning appropriate communications skills which increases their ability to maintain positive relationships. SUPPORTIVE COMMUNITY SERVICES, LLC provides services to clients who lack age appropriate and developmental Behavior skills. SUPPORTIVE COMMUNITY SERVICES, LLC basic skills program helps clients acquire constructive cognitive and Behavior skills through positive reinforcement, modeling, therapeutic activities and other techniques. SUPPORTIVE COMMUNITY SERVICES, LLC will provide a host and variety of life skills that will increase our client ability to manage and maintain their daily lives.
Therapy 〰️
SUPPORTIVE COMMUNITY SERVICES, LLC offers premium therapy to help clients cope with life issues and obstacles. Our therapeutic team helps clients achieve full stability, regain strength and get to the root of their problems to maintain their daily lives. Our clinicians provide insight to our clients with therapeutic techniques and interventions to use when dealing with difficult situations. Clients learn how to speak openly and honestly to facilitate their full recovery. We offer individual, group and family confidential therapy sessions. Our goal is to build self-esteem and restore hope.
CDT 〰️
Our Day Treatment services are RMH interventions designed to reduce emotional, cognitive and behavioral problems. Our ultimate goal is to restore our clients to their highest level of functioning. ’ Community Day Treatment services target emotional, cognitive, and behavioral functioning within a variety of actual and/or simulated social settings. ’ Community Day Treatment services provide our clients with opportunities to implement and expand upon what they have previously learned/gained from other mental/behavioral health therapies, supports, and interventions.
Our clients will have the opportunity to be challenged on their treatment goals that have been set forth in their rehabilitation plan. The goal of ’ Community E Day Treatment services is to prepare our clients for reintegration back into home and the community. ’ Community Day Treatment services are facility based and out of home services.
Our Day Treatment services are never provided in our clients’ home. Our Community Day Treatment services are never routine. Our clients navigate through various trainings and learn age appropriate techniques that will set forth a new motto for life after ’ that are supervised and monitored by qualified professionals and community partners. ’ Community Day Treatment services does include a fluid combination of all the RMH services with a focus and support on the client, family and community.
IOP 〰️
Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)
Intensive Outpatient Treatment (also known as IOP for "Intensive Outpatient Program") is a primary treatment program recommended in some circumstances by a clinical and medical assessment. IOP may be recommended for those who do not need medically supervised detox. IOP can also enable people in recovery to continue their recovery therapies following successful detox, on a part-time yet intensive schedule, designed to accommodate work and family life.
With Intensive Outpatient Treatment program, clients can establish a foundation for long term recovery support in their local community right from the start of their treatment.
In the Intensive Outpatient Program, clients receive services primarily through group therapy, but are also assigned an individual therapist they will meet with on a weekly basis while in treatment. Groups are small and generally do not exceed 4 to 15 people, allowing for a safe environment.
CI 〰️
Crisis Intervention
Crisis intervention refers to the methods used to offer immediate, short-term help to clients who are experiencing event(s) that produces emotional, mental, physical, and behavioral distress or problems. Supportive Community Services, LLC trains all our Professional Specialists to handle and effectively deal with client’s crisis. Our Medical/Clinical supervisor and our direct QMHP clinical team will head the treatment and execution of all crisis situations.